10:00-11:00 Yoga (Settle down, sit down, and the silence begins).
11:00-11:30 Meet and greet and receive instructions for the rest of the day.
11:30-13:20 Seated Meditation.
Meditation walking, (instructions) 30 min.
Seated Meditation.
13:20-13:30 how to eat consciously. “The Nine Hungers.”
13:30-14:00 conscious food.
14:00-14:45 conscious rest. Meditation lying down.
14:45-15:15 Body Work activation.
15:15-15:45 Seated Meditation.
15:45-16:20 Meditation walking.
16:20-16:45 Seated Meditation.
16:50.17:20 METTA meditation.
17:20-17:45 Mantra and closure.
Detalles del evento
- Fecha:
- 14/04/2019
- Horario:
From 10:00 to 18:00
- Precio:
50 €
- Detalles del precio:
Lunch included. Limited spots available.
- Lugar:
Instituto BarakaCalle Etxague nº 4Donostia-San Sebastian (Gipuzkoa)
- Inscripción:
fer@barakaintegral.org 610 645 104

Fer Gorostiza
Instructor in Mindfulness
Mindfulness instructor specializing in Protocol 2 half of life. Yoga teacher. Yoga therapist. Instructor and philologist.